Un camino de servicios en la construcción y mantenimiento de espacios deportivos
Contamos con amplia experiencia en el manejo eficiente y acertado en la construcción de campos deportivos, especialmente canchas de tenis en superficies sintéticas y polvo de ladrillo, canchas de vóley playa, canchas múltiples, campos de softbol, campos de fútbol, cerramientos y mantenimientos preventivos.
CIVIDEPORTES opera bajo la dirección de su fundador y propietario WILSON PÉREZ, quien posee amplia experiencia que le faculta en la planeación estratégica y ejecución de proyectos de carácter deportivo. Estamos legalmente constituidos en la ciudad de Cota y somos contribuyentes al erario público.


Suministramos elementos deportivos y de mantenimiento tales como: mallas de tenis, líneas de demarcación, súper limpiador de líneas sintéticas, polvo de ladrillo, cepillos de cerda plástica, material sintético de recubrimiento, arena playa para cancha de vóley playa, grama sintética para fútbol, cerramientos en malla eslabonada y estructuras metálicas para campos deportivos.
Nuestra trayectoria es la mejor garantía de calidad, cumplimiento e innovación, pero también trabajamos con cobertura de seguros y pólizas de cumplimiento, extendidas a favor de nuestros clientes.
Así hablan los medios de Civideportes
Our Amazing Team
Our Professional Technicians
Jeffery Williams
Paul Roberts
Head of Repairs
Mike Green
Repair Technician
Alan Hardy
Repair Technician
Melissa Walker
Repair Technician
Anne Harvey
Quality Controller
Don’t be afraid to ask!
Frequently Asked Questions
My Device Doesn’t Switch On
An electronic device not switching on can be the result of many things. Most commonly there is a fault with the mainboard or the battery. We can diagnose a range of issues and replace only what's needed to be.
My Touchscreen Doesn’t Work
Many touchscreens won't work if the device has been a victim to a heavy fall or if the device has previously been 'repaired' and a genuine screen wasn't used in the replacement. All our replacement parts come with a 6 month warranty.
Flushed My Phone Down the Toilet
That was a bit silly, wasn't it? Some believe putting the device in a bag of rice will solve all your problems. But this isn't true and sometimes the damage has already been done.
What Happens if You Can’t Fix My Device?
If we can't fix your device we will get in touch with you to discuss your options. We can either offer you a replacement device for a cost, or we can return the device to you and refund your service charge.
Is The Postage Insured When You Send Back My Device?
Every device that leaves our store comes with a €1,000 minimum insurance cover, so rest assured you won't be out of pocket if the worst happens. We also recommend insuring the mail to the value of your phone when you send it in for repairs.
Can I Deliver My Device in Person?
Unfortunately, due to health and safety laws we cannot allow members of the public on our premises so we can only accept mail deliveries of your devices.
TekhRepair did a fantastic job fixing my iPhone X after I dropped it and smashed the front and back. You can’t tell it’s been replaced!
Jefferey Williams
iPhone Screen Replacement
TekhRepair did a fantastic job fixing my iPhone X after I dropped it and smashed the front and back. You can’t tell it’s been replaced!
Jefferey Williams
iPhone Screen Replacement
TekhRepair did a fantastic job fixing my iPhone X after I dropped it and smashed the front and back. You can’t tell it’s been replaced!
Jefferey Williams
iPhone Screen Replacement
TekhRepair did a fantastic job fixing my iPhone X after I dropped it and smashed the front and back. You can’t tell it’s been replaced!
Jefferey Williams
iPhone Screen Replacement
TekhRepair did a fantastic job fixing my iPhone X after I dropped it and smashed the front and back. You can’t tell it’s been replaced!
Jefferey Williams
iPhone Screen Replacement